Friday, May 10, 2013
2012 Macchia Nera Concept Pictures
Macchia Nera Bike

Macchia Nera Bike

Macchia Nera Bike

Macchia Nera Bike
UA bike built with a singular focus - power and light weight. Achieved with extensive use
of Poggipolinis titanium artistry and with his highest know-how from the F1, MotoGP and aerospacetechnology and experience (since 1950).
Macchia Nera. Italian for “Black Spot.”Curious name for a bespokemotorcycle . Definitely unique, the Macchia Nera bears little resemblance to the custom bikes we frequently see.
of Poggipolinis titanium artistry and with his highest know-how from the F1, MotoGP and aerospace
Macchia Nera. Italian for “Black Spot.”Curious name for a bespoke